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 2024 Queen Erika Scarcella and Princesses

Lea Utterbaugh, Bush River Yacht Club

Emilie McNew, Crescent Yacht Club
Tatiana Marcic, Maryland Yacht Club
Morgan Lookingland, Middle River Yacht Club
Mia Howie, Neptune Yacht Club 

 2023 Queen Hailey Tate and Princesses

Eleyna Entsminger, Bodkin Yacht Club
Ali Mejia-Ramirez, Bush River Yacht Club

Emilie McNew, Crescent Yacht Club
Tatiana Marcic, Maryland Yacht Club
Mia Howie, Neptune Yacht Club 
Sophia Smith, Otter Point Yacht Club
Erika Scarcella, Red Eye Yacht Club

2022 Queen Michelle Studnicki and  Princesses

Caroline Oliver Bush River Yacht Club
Piper Cook, Crescent Yacht Club
Natalie Lange, Eastern Yacht Club
Hailey Tate, Maryland Yacht Club
Sophia Smith, Otter Point Yacht Club
Erika Scarcella, Red Eye Yacht Club

2021 Queen Ellie Hermann and Princesses

Gabby Hiemstra, Baltimore Yacht Club
Jordan Pritchett, Bodkin Yacht Club
Michelle Studnicki, Bush River Yacht Club
Piper Cook, Crescent Yacht Club
Natalie Lange, Eastern Yacht Club
Kailey Schissler, Maryland Yacht Club
Ryleigh Kealy, Miles River Yacht Club
Shayla Piper, Otter Point Yacht Club
Autumn Almony, Red Eye Yacht Club

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